James Gordon Farrell. The Empire Trilogy: Troubles, The Siege of Krishnapur, The Singapore Grip
Джеймс Гордон Фаррелл. Имперская трилогия: Проблемы, Осада Кришнапура, Захват Сингапура
(книга на английском языке)
"Осада Кришнапура" - 1001 книга, которую должен прочитать каждый (№ 672 ), Букеровская премия 1973 г.
"Захват Сингапура" - 1001 книга, которую должен прочитать каждый (№ 711 )
"Проблемы" - Букеровская премия 1970 г.
The Empire Trilogy--consisting of the Lost Booker Prize-winning Troubles, the Booker Prize-winning The Siege of Krishnapur,and The Singapore Grip--is Farrell's re-examination of the legacy, and limits, of British imperial rule.
The three volumes, connected by theme rather than character, and above all by their shared wit, brio, and daring, range in setting from the India of the Great Mutiny of 1857, to Ireland immediately after the Great War, to the besieged Singapore of World War II.
Together the books constitute not only a spectacular entertainment but also an ambitious refashioning of the traditional historical novel to meet the tragic realities of the modern world.
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