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John Barth. Giles Goat-Boy

It is metafictional comic novel in which the world is portrayed as a university campus in an elaborate allegory of the Cold War. I

ts title character is a human boy raised as a goat, who comes to believe he is the Grand Tutor, the predicted Messiah.

(на английском языке)

1001 книга, которую нужно прочитать | Просмотров: 3010 | Загрузок: 337 | Добавил: Елена | Дата: 30.11.2015 | Комментарии (0)

Christina Stead. The Man Who Loved Children

The Man Who Loved Children is a brutally honest examination of domestic life and family. Sam and Henny Pollit have too much—too much contempt for one another, too many children, too much strain under endless obligation.

Flush with ego and a chilling domestic power, Sam torments his children, bending and manipulating their seemingly limitless love to his overbearing advantage, while Henny looks on desperately, all too aware of the madness at its root.

(на английском языке)

1001 книга, которую нужно прочитать | Просмотров: 4169 | Загрузок: 359 | Добавил: Елена | Дата: 26.11.2015 | Комментарии (0)

Anthony Powell. A Question of Upbringing

On the cusp of his thirtieth birthday, Binx Bolling is a lost soul. A stockbroker and member of an established New Orleans family, Binx's one escape is the movie theater that transports him from the falseness of his life.

Who is Widmerpool? The question that is to dog Nicholas Jenkins crystallizes as he sees the gawky figure of his schoolmate huffing through the mists on a solitary cross-country run. So unexceptional, unsmart -- even unpopular -- Widmerpool continues to drop in and out of Jenkins life through school, university and London in the 1920's.

(на английском языке)

1001 книга, которую нужно прочитать | Просмотров: 3203 | Загрузок: 298 | Добавил: Елена | Дата: 26.11.2015 | Комментарии (0)

Elizabeth Bowen. The Death of the Heart

The Death of the Heart is perhaps Elizabeth Bowen's best-known book. As she deftly and delicately exposes the cruelty that lurks behind the polished surfaces of conventional society, Bowen reveals herself as a masterful novelist who combines a sense of humor with a devastating gift for divining human motivations.

(на английском языке)

Книги на английском языке | Просмотров: 5173 | Загрузок: 456 | Добавил: Елена | Дата: 25.11.2015 | Комментарии (0)

William Gaddis. The Recognitions

The Recognitions, published in 1955, is American author William Gaddis's first novel. The novel was poorly received initially, but Gaddis's reputation grew, twenty years later, with the publication of his second novel J R (which won a National Book Award), and The Recognitions received belated fame as a masterpiece of American literature.

(на английском языке)

1001 книга, которую нужно прочитать | Просмотров: 5534 | Загрузок: 384 | Добавил: Елена | Дата: 25.11.2015 | Комментарии (0)

Walker Percy. The Moviegoer

On the cusp of his thirtieth birthday, Binx Bolling is a lost soul. A stockbroker and member of an established New Orleans family, Binx's one escape is the movie theater that transports him from the falseness of his life.

With Mardi Gras in full swing, Binx, along with his cousin Kate, sets out to find his true purpose amid the excesses of the carnival that surrounds him.

(на английском языке)

Книги на английском языке | Просмотров: 2501 | Загрузок: 301 | Добавил: Елена | Дата: 23.11.2015 | Комментарии (0)

Marilynne Robinson. Housekeeping

"Nothing but the darkness, and all around them destruction, and before them nothing but the fire-a bastard people, far from God, singing and crying in the wilderness!"

First published in 1953, Baldwin's first novel is a short but intense, semi-autobiographical exploration of the troubled life of the Grimes family in Harlem during the Depression.

(на английском языке)

Книги на английском языке | Просмотров: 3546 | Загрузок: 343 | Добавил: Елена | Дата: 22.11.2015 | Комментарии (0)

James Baldwin. Go Tell it on the Mountain

"Nothing but the darkness, and all around them destruction, and before them nothing but the fire-a bastard people, far from God, singing and crying in the wilderness!"

First published in 1953, Baldwin's first novel is a short but intense, semi-autobiographical exploration of the troubled life of the Grimes family in Harlem during the Depression.

(на английском языке)

1001 книга, которую нужно прочитать | Просмотров: 4539 | Загрузок: 325 | Добавил: Елена | Дата: 22.11.2015 | Комментарии (0)

Henry Roth. Call It Sleep

 Call It Sleep is the most profound novel of Jewish life .

It subtly interweaves gutter, cellar, sexual and religious taboos with the overwhelming love between a mother and son. It brings together the darkness and light of Jewish immigrant life before the First World War as experienced by a very young boy, really a child, who depends on his imagination alone to fend off a world so hostile that it begins with his own father.

(на английском языке)
1001 книга, которую нужно прочитать | Просмотров: 3680 | Загрузок: 377 | Добавил: Елена | Дата: 21.11.2015 | Комментарии (0)

Bernard Malamud. The Assistant

The Assistant tells the story of an immigrant grocer, Morris Bober, who lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. Bober emigrated from Russia in his teenage years and met his wife Ida in New York.

Their grocery recently has fallen on hard times because a new store has opened across the street and is taking their customers. To stay afloat, the Bobers also rely upon the wages of their daughter, Helen who works as a secretary.

(на английском языке)
Книги на английском языке | Просмотров: 3068 | Загрузок: 301 | Добавил: Елена | Дата: 19.11.2015 | Комментарии (0)

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Ваще зашло, мочи есче! Бесит когда долго ждёшь, 6 прослушал аудио книгой, остальные прочитал.

"Громыколухи - 999"... Графомания тётку заела совсем.

"Выходят изо рта мёртвой козы..." Это сколько надо "дури" принять, чтобы такое написать?

Просто невероятная история жизни одного из самых амбициозных и харизматичных людей в мире. Книга описывает весь путь Джобса: с малых лет, до самой смерти. В полной мере рассказывает о его достижениях

Никогда не любила С. Кинга, американского "короля ужасов". Но цикл "Тёмная башня" - нечто особенное, выбивающееся из массы ужасов и триллеров, созданных знаменитым автором. Удивите

Трогательный и человечный рассказ, про всех и для каждого. Must read

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